Expectations vs. Reality in Value Funds

Value is an asset class, not an investment strategy. Identifying low relative price stocks is only one step toward designing and managing a value strategy; differences in managers’ implementation skill can lead to a wide range of outcomes experienced by value investors. Investors can evaluate these outcomes by assessing whether managers delivered what they said they would deliver. In the case of systematic value strategies, strong performance during periods when value stocks outperform signals an ability to capture value premiums when they appear.

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Robert J. Pyle, CFP®, CFA, AEP® founded Diversified Asset Management, Inc., in 1996 to provide personalized, comprehensive wealth management services to successful individuals, families, single women, and business owners. His specialty is addressing the complex financial needs of self-employed professionals, corporate executives, and small-business owners. Our disclosure can be found here. The views, opinion, information, and content provided here are solely those of the respective authors, and may not represent the views or opinions of Diversified Asset Management, Inc. Diversified Asset Management, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy or currency of any such third party information or content, and does not undertake to verify or update such information or content. Any such information or other content should not be construed as investment, legal, accounting, or tax advice.


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Timely Market and Wealth Management Topics Jan 19, 2023