Social Investment Funds

Dimensional’s social funds enable investors to pursue higher expected returns across stock and bond markets while maintaining alignment with social priorities and philosophies.

For nearly two decades, Dimensional has applied a transparent, research-based approach to help investors unite their values with sound investment strategies. Our social funds seek to exclude individual securities issued by companies that are involved in controversial activities while preserving investors’ ability to pursue higher expected returns across stocks and bonds. We are able to apply screens across both equity and fixed income strategies.

Dimensional uses a combination of internal and external data from leading third-party data providers to evaluate issuers on social criteria. Historically, the screens established for Dimensional’s social funds have taken into account the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines, among other factors.1 The goal of this approach is to systematically identify issuers associated with targeted areas of social concerns so we can develop and implement meaningful social exclusions. The social funds apply the exclusions summarized in the exhibit below.

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Robert J. Pyle, CFP®, CFA is president of Diversified Asset Management, Inc. (DAMI). DAMI is registered as an investment adviser with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) with its primary place of business in the state of Colorado. DAMI will only transact business in other states to the extent DAMI has made the requisite notice filings or obtained the necessary licensing in such state. No follow up or individualized responses to persons in other jurisdictions that involve either rendering or attempting to render personalized investment advice for compensation will be made absent compliance with applicable legal requirements, or an applicable exemption or exclusion. References to registration with the SEC do not imply any endorsement or approval of the qualifications of the firm, nor do they imply that the firm’s representatives have attained a particular level of skill or training. To contact Robert, call 303-440-2906 or e-mail


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